
George Dom Profile

• Served as commanding officer and flight leader of the US Navy’s prestigious Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron.

• Served as commander of the air wing on the USS John F. Kennedy and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, overseeing 2,500 personnel and 70 tactical aircraft.

• Global thought leader on building strong leaders and teams through earning and developing trust.

• Presentations incorporate thrilling, up-close video footage and visuals of the Blue Angels in action.

• Offers audiences exclusive content focused on the 5C’s of High-Trust: Character, Commitment, Competence, Connection, and Communication.

As a former naval officer and flight leader, George Dom knows how to bring the best out of people. During a decorated 26-year military career, he has had the honor and privilege of serving as commander of the air wing on the USS John F. Kennedy and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, overseeing 2,500 personnel and 70 tactical aircraft.

Additionally, he has been the commanding officer and flight leader of the prestigious Blue Angels, the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron; commanding officer of a combat FA-18 fighter squadron (VFA-37); instructor pilot at the Navy Fighter Weapons School (“Topgun”); air wing strike leader from USS America during Operation Desert Storm; and division chief on the strategic planning staff of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

Though George retired from the Navy, he continues to pursue his favorite and most satisfying aspect of his former profession: building strong leaders and flourishing teams. As a coach and speaker George draws from decades of experience in a world where teamwork is not just key for success, but for every day survival. He uses his unique knowledge and insights to train leaders and groups from all sectors, teaching them to develop trust at all levels so that they can achieve results exponentially greater than the sum of the individuals.

With soaring, thrilling video footage and visuals, George’s presentations are exciting, compelling and filled with actionable content to make the attendee experience unforgettable!

Subscribe to Captain Dom’s weekly free e-newsletter on High-Trust Leadership and Teamwork.

  • Article on lessons in high-trust leadership.
    Excerpt: LESSONS OF DISCOVERY COME TO US IN ALL MANNER OF WAYS. DURING a robust discussion with KaiserAir Director of Business Development Rick Brainard about our nation’s leadership challenges, he recommended that I watch a TED Talk by Blue Angels Captain George Dom on the subject of high-trust leadership.

    I watched the 13-minute video “Achieving More With Trust” three times back-to-back with rapt attention. A leadership consultant and popular speaker on the subject since his retirement as a Blue Angels leader, Captain Dom had identified and developed five simple tools for effective “high trust leadership” that anyone can apply. Leaders, teams, support
    talent. He’d coined it all so beautifully.

    “What I came to understand is that my teammates, every day, were asking five simple questions about me,” he explains in the TEDx Sonoma video, “and based on the answers they got they would make a decision to what degree they were going to trust me … and I believe those are the same five questions that your team is asking about you … In order to be trusted you must be trustworthy.” I listened as he outlined and offered examples of the five questions.
    Read more ===>

  • Article series on high-trust leadership and “followership”.
    Excerpt: Great leaders, managers, teammates and followers come in all shapes, sizes and styles. But there is one ingredient they all have in common. The great ones-the ones you remember fondly and would gladly work with again-possess a high level of trustworthiness.

    There are two great misconceptions regarding trust:

    1) Being reasonably honest and technically competent at your job is all that is necessary to be trusted.
    2) Trust occurs naturally on teams simply by putting “good people” together.

    Read more ===>

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Captain USN (Ret)

      George Dom is a former naval officer and aviator. His career included key leadership positions in high performance organizations, including four aircraft carrier fighter squadrons and command of the air wing on the USS John F. Kennedy. He was an instructor pilot at the Navy Fighter Weapons School (Topgun) and served as commanding officer and flight leader of the Blue Angels. After “graduating” from the Navy, he became a business aviation consultant to Fortune 500 corporations, private companies and high net-worth individuals.

      Flying fighter jets in training and combat, in the unforgiving environment of an aircraft carrier at sea, as well as high-speed and very low altitude formation acrobatics, was a unique thrill and privilege for George. However, what gave him the greatest lasting satisfaction was “building” high performance leaders and teams. For an organization like the Navy, there is no such thing as “lateral entry”. They can’t hire a squadron commander from the business world, so leadership development is not only the key to success, but crucial to survival.

      Achieving individual and collective high performance requires High-Trust Leadership and Full Engagement. This is true in sports, the military, medical teams, and in the business world today. Through daily, deliberate and focused effort, a culture of high-trust and fully engaged “wingmen” can be developed at all levels. This results in a “force-multiplier” with results exponentially greater than the sum of the ingredients.

      George’s passion continues as he builds high performance leaders and teams across America. He helps business leaders improve their individual and organizational effectiveness by building High-Trust Leadership and Full Engagement by all hands. George Dom shares the science-based method for developing Full Engagement. He helps audience members acquire the ability to intentionally invest their full and best energy–right here, right now.

      An “OK3” is the highest grade attainable in Navy aircraft carrier landing competitions. Less than 1% of all landings are graded an “OK landing on the #3 wire.”

      George’s keynote presentation and workshops will benefit your leadership team, and your organization. He will help you unleash the human talent in your group to achieve exceptional results, customer/employee satisfaction, and shareholder value. George Dom will help you get OK3 performance in your business.

  • George Dom Speaking Videos

    Bring George Dom to Speak Live at Your Event


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    George Dom's Speech Descriptions

    With over three decades of experience as a commanding officer in multiple aviation groups, Captain Dom is a veteran at nurturing successful teams using trust as their foundation. In engaging presentations and in-depth workshops, Captain Dom shares a framework with practical applications so attendees can learn to perform at a very high level — not now and then, not once in a while — but every day. Illustrated with thrilling proprietary videos and photos of the Blue Angels in action, participants will be engaged, energized, and ready to begin applying these valuable, life-changing lessons immediately!

    Audiences from all sectors including banking, marketing, and communications have been captivated, impacted, and empowered by his simple but sensible approaches to creating a high-trust culture.

    Additionally Captain Dom invests the time to learn specifically about your group and its background so that he can tailor his message to your team’s situation in order to make the most powerful contribution possible to your event and organizational success.

    Captain Dom offers several program options, all customized to your objectives, audience, and desired outcomes to maximize audience engagement:

    A. Keynote speech (up to two hours).
    B. Half-day workshop up to four hours).
    C. Full-day workshop (up to eight hours).

    Captain Dom is also happy to do Q&A, a break out session and/or participate in a panel discussion.

    Here are a couple of sample general program outlines... all programs are customized.

    1) High-Performance Leadership and Teamwork
    In the knowledge-based economy, high performance is all about relationships, strong and enduring relationships with all stakeholders, and the fundamental ingredient for every successful relationship is trust.

    For naval aviators, flying off aircraft carriers a thousand miles from land (often in the middle of the night) trust is essential not just success, but survival. There can be no compromise in that extreme laboratory of high performance. If you weren’t trusted, you’d fail or be fired; if you can’t trust others, you’ll either fail or look for another line of work.

    Trust is the cornerstone to be an effective leader; it’s the glue that keeps the team firing on all cylinders. Within a culture of trust, there is an upward spiral of achievement based on creativity, determination, accountability, excellence, passion, camaraderie, humor, candor, and resilience. Allowing a culture of mistrust (due to fear, incompetence, and/or integrity gaps) will result in the opposite.

    How attendees will benefit:

    • Understand why a culture of high-trust is critical to achieving individual and organizational high performance
    • Discover the 5C’s of trustworthiness: Character, Commitment, Competence, Connection, and Communication
    • Develop a high-trust action plan with specific, immediate actions

    This presentation includes a follow-up "90-Day Journey: Exploring the 5C’s of High-Trust" program for all your audience members. They will get 12 weekly value-packed emails that will provide more information about applying the 5C’s immediately. This exclusive content is only offered to attendees of Captain Dom's presentations and helps facilitate the lasting impact of his message by sparking real, ongoing organizational change.

    2) Personal High-Performance

    It seems that life demands more of us every year: at work, home, and in every aspect of our lives. Meanwhile, the pace of modern society is accelerating as we try to keep up. Every day is a challenge to perform at our best.

    What are some of the habits and mental exercises you can develop to bring your A-game every day – despite the pressures, stress, distractions, and challenges of modern life? What lessons can we learn from those who routinely perform at the highest levels of excellence in extreme, unforgiving environments?

    Captain Dom, USN(Ret), former Flight Leader and Commanding Officer of the U.S. Navy’s flight demonstration squadron, the Blue Angels, is ready to share the secrets of personal high performance. Over a 70-year history of pushing the limits of man and machine, the Blue Angels have developed ways to ensure all six pilots are at their best every day: physically, mentally, and emotionally. These lessons can be applied by anyone who wants to make the most of every day at whatever activity matters to them.  Learn:

    • The 4-phase cycle of achieving mastery in a skill and adapting to change.
    • Accepting constructive feedback as a gift.
    • Overcoming inertia, setbacks and discouragement.
    • Building and managing your energy.
    • Investing in routines to build value-based habits, the auto-pilot of success.

    All of Captain Dom's programs include exclusive content and a subscription to three months of weekly emails that review proprietary content around his "5C’s of Trust" framework. Each email includes practical training examples to raise each person’s trustworthiness to the next level. Rather than just a one-time keynote, this complimentary coaching helps extend your team’s leadership guidance and deepen the objectives.

    The half-day and full-day workshop program options allow Captain Dom to delve deeper into the High-Trust Leadership framework and facilitate cohesive team building with interactive exercises to help attendees apply the 5C’s of Trust immediately:

    Character: what are our core values? How to live them every day? And how to communicate that you have great character to people that matter?

    Commitment: what is your short-term, mid-term, and long-term purpose? How will being successful in your organization help them reach their goals?

    Competence: a training plan to increase their skills and develop new ones to adapt and stay relevant. Learning to give and receive effective feedback to improve performance. How to conduct an effective debrief.

    Connection: building empathy and understanding of others so they feel understood. “What’s your story?”

    Communication: how to be clear, concise, and direct; and confirm the message has been received and understood.

    The workshops also include leading edge, customized Waggl surveys of participants before, during, and after the event to provide real-time insights to make the training relevant to each audience, identify immediate action-items and evaluate progress weeks later.

    An additional popular addition to Captain Dom's workshops are a High-Trust Assessment (for intact teams) which measures the trustworthiness of each individual and the overall team. It's a confidential, customized survey that allows the members of the team to evaluate each other according to the 5C’s of Trust. The team’s overall level of trustworthiness is measured as a baseline for improvement. Each person’s results are confidential and only revealed to them. This can be a revelation and incentive to change as people are made aware of how they are viewed by their teammates. Includes survey, analysis, and confidential individual debriefs.

    The leader will receive an overall summary of the team's level of trust, but the individual responses are strictly confidential and not revealed. A follow-up assessment in 3-6 months can indicate progress in improving the level of trust. “Did we move the needle?” Includes: analyzing results, sending individual letters to each participant with their confidential results and optional 30-minute coaching call, if desired.

    Captain Dom is happy to jump on a quick call to answer any questions and discuss how he can make a lasting, positive impact on your team! Contact us today to schedule a call:


    George Dom on Speaking

    Trust can’t be bought, expected, coerced, or demanded; it’s a reward that must be earned every day.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn / take away from your presentations?

    DOM: Trust is a strategic imperative for all high performance teams. Trust can’t be bought, expected, coerced, or demanded; it’s a reward that must be earned every day.

    In order to be trusted, you must be trustworthy. Organizations that make individual and collective trustworthiness a core value will break out and dominate competitors who don’t. There are five key ingredients to earn a high level of trust – character, commitment, competence, connection, and communication.

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    DOM: In addition to independent research, I speak to client representatives in order to understand their objectives and themes for their event, and after one or two preparatory calls I am able to effectively tailor my presentation to each audience. I seek to make them as relatable and beneficial as possible.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    DOM: The importance of trust is universal. My presentations have been enthusiastically received by a wide variety of audiences: bankers, government agencies, financial services, construction, management consultants, non-profits, insurance agencies, high-tech startups, and even social media companies!

    Building trust is of critical importance, today more than ever. In my lifetime I have never seen such low levels of trust across all dimensions of life.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    DOM: Building trust is of critical importance, today more than ever. In my lifetime I have never seen such low levels of trust across all dimensions of life: Wall Street, government, corporations, sports, religious institutions, not to mention our current political season!

    Trust is the foundation of ALL relationships – professional and personal.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    DOM: I started to receive invitations from corporations and universities to share my USN experiences and lessons.

    Audiences love the photos and videos that give them an up-close and personal view of flying in the Blue Angels formation!

    SPEAKING.COM: How much do case studies, personal stories and/or humor factor into your keynote speech content?

    DOM: I use stories and humor to illustrate my lessons. Audiences love the photos and videos that give them an up-close and personal view of flying in the Blue Angels formation!

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients make?

    DOM: A division of Wachovia, now Wells Fargo, credits their success and high morale to adopting the Blue Angels’ selection process that promotes a high level of ownership and team unity.

    A Silicon Valley tech company’s leadership team used my confidential Trust Survey to identify areas for practical improvement.

    Additionally, my weekly e-mails packed with practical training tips are lauded by numerous attendees as timely reminders to improve their performance as High-Trust Leaders and Teammates. Exclusive Interview with George Dom
    Building Trust, with George Dom
    In this interview, George Dom discusses:
  • How to foster a culture of trust.
  • 5 questions for judging trustworthiness.
  • Making integrity a core value of your team.
    Read the Full Interview
  • "Leadership principles don’t change when the consequences go up - you just don’t have the luxury to compromise."
    - George Dom

    What People are Saying about Seeing George Speak

    Rating Entries

    “It was indeed a pleasure to meet you and spend some time with you before and after your presentation. My dream as a kid was to be a military pilot and some dreams don’t always come true. To shake your hand and to meet you was a tremendous honor. I met someone who achieved my dream! The feedback from the meeting has been very positive, but the feedback we received from your presentation has been stellar! You were able to tie our messages together perfectly.”
    Toyota Material Handling, U.S.A., Inc.

    “The feedback for George’s presentation and workshop was overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic. Behind the scenes, we really appreciated the effort he invested in customizing his presentation to our needs. What an inspiring figure!”
    Oliver Wyman

    “Early returns on your Northwestern Mutual Field Leadership Conference session has been outstanding. I want to thank you for all the obvious prep work you did. The leaders not only could tell that you did your homework they sincerely appreciated it!”
    Northwestern Mutual (after a standing ovation)

    “George Dom was inspiring and practical in his coaching on creating trustworthiness.”
    A Cisco Senior Executive

    “CAPT Dom was excellent start to finish. He met with many in the audience and was well prepared and engaging. I would recommend him to anybody. Our annual event was attended by over 900 people and CAPT Dom had them glued to their seats, laughing and enjoying it to the end. Even when compressed for time, he was professional to the end. Great job!”
    IIAB Sacramento

    “George did a fantastic job! He really hit home with our group. I even had individuals ask for his booking information. Thank you, George, for helping make my event a huge success.”
    Structural Building Components Association (SBCA)

    “Captain George Dom was a big hit at our Annual Conference. Multiple people described his presentation as engaging and/or inspiring! Great insights on leadership and tips for trust building.”
    Association of Collegiate Conference & Events Directors-International

    “Thank you so much for coming out and spending time with our team – it was an awesome session enjoyed by all! The High-Trust Leadership and Teamwork theme will be with us throughout the year. Thank you again for your time, you are now part of the Visa Digital Family!”

    “George did a wonderful job and his presentation was an impressive finish to our conference program. George is a great guy and we enjoyed working with him. Glad he was able to spend a couple of days with us.”
    Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of California

    “George’s presentation was extremely well received and appreciated. Perfect subject matter. He was very professional and tailored his presentation to our audience. Great impact and a ton of great comments from attendees. Thank you very much.”

    “The last time I recall a conference standing ovation prior to Friday was when we had John Wooden speak about UCLA basketball and his pyramid of success 8-10 years ago.”
    Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce (WACE Conference)

    “Thank you for the most inspiring presentation: What kind of leader am I? The question lead to self evaluation and changes that I must make as a Chamber CEO and a leader in the community. I have been an attendee at the WACE Conferences for at least 15 years and I have never been compelled to ask for an email address for a speaker. “
    Montebello Chamber of Commerce (WACE Conference)

    “George was superior… class act!”
    Builders FirstSource

    “Captain Dom, I hope you’ve landed safely at home. I wanted to send you another note of thanks for sharing your message with us. My team is still talking about you, your experience, the videos and how to apply your messages personally and as a team. Mission Accomplished! Thanks again for your service.”
    Debra King, ExxonMobil Global Retail Brand Manage

    “Captain Dom, It is with great gratitude that I extend a sincere thank you…it would not have been such a collaborative, enlightening, and engaging conference without your contribution. Thank you for the time you put into preparing and delivering…Your contribution made a tremendous impact on the audience…”
    Malcolm Dougherty, Director, CA Dept of Transportation

    “We cannot say thank you enough for your help, you started our meeting off on the right note with such relevant topics and amazing stories… I’ll never look at the Blue Angels the same way again!
    Alana McHugh, Fortis Advisors, Director of Marketing

    “It would be unusual for me to say good bye to each of you without reminding you that without “Level 5 Trust”, nobody can optimize performance and attain the level of success each of you is capable of. Remember, that in order to be trusted, you must trustworthy. Clearly our “Blue Angel friend” George Dom has had a lasting impact on my view of life! When you get a moment, take a look at George at Tedx Sonoma. It is a great reminder for us all
    Howard Halle, EVP, Wells Fargo Commercial Bank

    “George, you were spectacular – the one everyone remembered. Your message r/ TRUST is a good one. Mostly, I appreciated your warmth and sensitivity toward our young team of social entrepreneurs…I hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we did. I really can’t thank you enough for your part in our retreat. Best wishes.”
    Bill Draper, Draper-Richards-Kaplan Foundation

    “I want to thank you for attending the year-end wrap-up event “Together We Win” at the Wells Fargo Center yesterday. The team was so inspired by your presentation and lesson on High Trust Leadership! It was absolutely perfect for our event and many also commented that it was so nice of you to stay around and talk with the team about your experiences. I will be sending out a note to the team with your handout and survey. There have been some thoughts on doing a customer event in the near future that would allow us the opportunity to invite you back to the market!”
    Susanne Svizeny, Executive Vice President, Wells Fargo Bank, N A

    “Thank you for being a part of our GE Summit! Whenever I asked GE and Oracle employees what they thought of the event, the first thing that they said was George Dom was AMAZING! I knew your message would have a high impact, but you really struck a chord with our attendees.”
    Daniel Loftus, Oracle Senior Field Marketing Manager

    “…I can also confirm you hit it out of the park with the team! Your presenter score was 4.9 out of 5 – which is simply awesome! The comments trended around being the right content at the right time for the right audience. The videos were viewed at a very high rate and created quite a stir around here. I want to again, thank you for your contributions to a very successful event for us.”
    Corinn Hastings, Chief of Staff, Cisco Global Events and Collaborative Platforms

    “We’ve received so many compliments about the event and especially your outstanding presentation. I’ve heard countless motivational and leadership programs in my nearly 30 years in the chamber business and you rank right there with the best of the best – very few can hold the full attention of a large audience for a solid hour, especially after a large meal in the middle of a business day.
    Scott Raty, President/CEO, Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce

    “Thank you so much for your participation in TEDx-SonomaCounty! Your talk was amazing – one of the favorites for sure. Thank you so much for delivering a TEDxTalk I know you and we will be very proud of! My husband said he’d like our kids to watch it, and I agree. Thank you for gift of “ideas worth spreading.”
    Shannon Ledger, Chair, Organizing Committee, TEDxSonomaCounty

    “…Your presentation left the audience spellbound to say the least…”
    Scott Arnold, NBAA FA/FT Conference Chairman

    “On a personal level, I appreciated how you tailored your messaging to our group. Your desire to learn about what we do and weave it into your talk made a terrific impression. As a learning facilitator, I know how you can take good content and make it great by making that investment. Two seasoned vets on our team pulled me aside on Wednesday after the closing session. They told me this was the finest department meeting they had ever attended. They said that if it was my decision to choose you as the keynote speaker, I deserved a raise!”
    Robert Bottass, CVS Caremark, Loss Prevention Manager of Training and Development

    “Thanks again for a wonderful evening. Your presentation was really well done… informative, interesting and exactly on point. The comparison between low trust and high trust almost read like a timeline for our department. The 5C’s gives us great material to work on as we move forward. Several people commented to me that night and the day after on how much they enjoyed hearing you speak (they also enjoyed the pictures and videos!).”
    Bob Smyth, Aviation Manager, The Kroger Company

    “We are grateful to have had you as our guest speaker…You were impactful…Thank you for making our meeting special.”
    Kenneth R. Dallafior, SVP, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

    “Your keynote session was terrific and inspirational. We’ve had a lot of positive feedback from that as well as the workshops…Thank you again for your great contributions to the conference. Your influence and impact will extend far beyond those that were fortunate to hear your speak.”
    J&J ENGAGE Conference Organizer

    “George, It was a pleasure meeting you. The training you gave our team really set the tone for our entire meeting and helped us begin really working as a team. The training was exceptional. Thank you! I am happy to be here!”
    Deborah Jarrett, PHR, CWWS, The Cooper Companies

    “I know you probably have gotten a ton of great feedback, but I have to tell you, I think this may have some of the most impactful leadership training I have ever gotten. Not only was the training useful, but it was extremely motivating. My team has not stopped talking about it. Thank you for this opportunity to continue learning as a leader.”
    Jim Jones, Director, Cox Communications

    “Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into the event, not just the presentation. I am glad you were able to spend so much time with the group and allow us to interact with you beyond a lunch presentation. You did a wonderful job incorporating our feedback into your program. It was truly a high impact message for us.”
    James Schmeltekopf, Regional Sales Manager, Wells Fargo Commercial Banking

    “…You were nothing less than spectacular on Wednesday evening. Your legions of fans are deeply appreciative and am still hearing great reviews from the students. [A long-time trustee] exclaimed that in the fifty years he has been attending events at Seton Hill, this was the best!”
    Dr. JoAnne Boyle, President, Seton Hill University

    “It was great to meet you yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. It was both exhilarating and very relevant to business. I would like to stay in touch and collaborate with you as I believe you could bring value to some of my colleagues and clients…”
    Allison S. Tabor, CPC, CPSM, Coppia Communications

    “George, Thank you very much for your presentation and follow up. The team was talking about your presentation quite a bit and “more than just the Blue Angels videos.” You made an impact and thank you for that.”
    Bill Hoffman, Director of Professional Services, Infusionsoft

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